Saturday, August 28, 2010

listen to Red-A

i dont understand a word of Dutch but im pretty sure he doesn't put profanity in his rap plus it SOUNDS GREAT!!!!

  Red-A Tracks by Red-A

Butterfly by Mariah Carey

"Love that we can not have is the one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest and feels the strongest”

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

tough love?

it would be a silly suggestion if you said i hated my father.. I can never hate my father. I only hate his pessimistic way of inspiring me to finish college. As though he thinks, he can give people the drive to better themselves by doing reverse psychology on them. Maybe it worked a couple of times, so then he decided........ this is his way..I wouldn't say its unique because I think of him as a drill sergeant but more on a subtle way......

i think what my dad needs is trust... he needs to trust...... me. That i can do this.... Sometimes, maybe not the way that he wants it to be.... but my way.

And just maybe.. i will drink that green tea so I could finish college early.....
who knows.. it might work.
ahhhhh.. papa you're so cruel in a funny way.


why are some people scared of the idea of solitariness? I cant blame them. We are creatures designed to need companionship. Solitude has been associated with loneliness and unhappiness, well shit...duh?! right...? But we all need a break away from society, dont we? We need to be left alone but only to a point. Breath the air at the park without worrying about someone who thinks you're a psycho or a loner. Whats so bad about it? I would be stupid if i said, we want we dont!!! We need and want it......
but having time by ourselves is as important as socializing as well.

My point here is... dont worry about eating alone in the cafeteria or walking to the park alone. ahahah

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

since when...?

does distance deters? tell me why its impossible. We could think of all those possible points on why it would make it hard, but they do not matter otherwise. Whatever it is that we feel now wont be much different at the end, unless we find someone else that compares.
Lets say you found a girl that dress like me; walk, talk and act like me and she just might be the next best thing but not quite me! ahahahhaha jk

oh boy, im not making this easy for you huh? i dont know why im even talking about this.. i hope i dont get you mad...

this thing that we have.. what can i say! its complexity is so beautiful, i cant even understand it myself.

*snaps back to reality. 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

show what im looking for...........will yah?

What can i do? Nothing.. lets not try to understand it anymore. IT is what IT is.. Sometimes i blog at night because it is usually the time where i just want to write about what i feel.... and then in the morning i asked myself "What the fudge..... did i just write last night" eeek!  shouldve stayed quiet hehe...... but yeahh thats about it.....night!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

what lies beneath the smile?

People smile to avoid being asked if everything is okay. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


i really can use this spare time to elaborate on how i feel at the moment. You know what i think? more like feel? I feel like im all alone in this journey. You know how some people have that special someone they confidently talk to about their fears and what not, well i dont have that "someone". I dont know if there are just around me and the problem is, im afraid to try and talk to someone about how i feel. I just have hazy days and i cant quite figure out what is making me feel this way. All i can understand about it, is that.. my fears are contributing to it. Its no Fear of the unknown... i exactly know what it is.. Its the fear of my plans not happening the way i want it to be. To reach my goal at a certain age. I worry a lot huh? well youre the one reading my blog, its exactly your choice, so youre gonna have to follow at your own risk.

i just hope my parents wont find out about me blogging about hazy days... they would overreact... i can already imagine my mom saying " ohhh child is depressed" no.. mom im not. But she wouldnt trust me anyways.. I think all people have this kind of days in which, they just feel emotions pouring down, well i just happened to blogging about it, and others do not. Maybe they prefer to deal with it privately.. Well my blog is so unknown that maybe only 2 people reads it, so i could care less about what i say here. Well maybe a little.

im not even gonna talk about anything else..

Monday, August 16, 2010

back up plan.

is it just me or school gets me a little under the weather? well to tell you the truth, i feel overwhelmed.. but its always been doubts. Doubts are scary things because it might distract you from getting tasks done due to     low confidence. Sometimes im on track but i also slip.. know what i mean? and i dont want that to happen this semester... no more slips.. i've learned that this is my chance to have a nice future.. save money... then get married. jk.... no its part of life, my parents will need to accept the fact that their kids are growing up, and sooner or later i will get married, so will my sister. I will probably let my sister get married first ahahah.  soo i will talk to you later.... i have to talk to my mom about something ;)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

you dont change!

im so frustrated right now, i just wanna break down and cry. i think i will do better if i stay single. but i need to find out something in two weeks.... then maybe i can finally put this to rest.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I never knew

so i wrote a lot of this.. like 21 of them.. i never knew i had the drive to write bullshits like this... makes me nauseated.. these are my explanations for every one of the experiment i made for that class..

gelatin talls is an experiment designed to test the ability of an organism to produce an enzyme called gelatinase to help hydrolyze gelatin. A gelatin is a protein derived from connective tissue or protein produced by the hydrolysis of collagen which is solid at the temperature of 32 degrees celsius and liquid above  32 degrees celsius. The enzyme gelatinase gives the organism strength to break down gelatin into polypeptides, peptides, and amino acid that will allow it to cross the cell membrane in able for the organism to use. A positive result of this experiment displays a liquified gelatin where the organism has grown. My organism however, didn't liquify the gelatin, but remained solid, meaning that it didn't have the capabilities of producing the enzyme gelatinase to help hydrolyze the protein gelatin. This medium is differential because it distinguishes organisms that can produce the enzyme gelatinase, that will help hydrolyze gelatin. Gelatinase test is differential because it test the ability of organism to hydrolyze gelatin by producing the enzyme called Gelatinase in which breaks down gelatin into smaller polypeptides, peptides, and amino acids.

Sim Medium is one of the combination differential medial that is designed to indicate a bacteria's ability of sulfur reduction, indole production and motility.
The sulfur part of the test is to differentiate enteric organisms. Organisms that produce the enzyme thiosulfate reductase has the ability to reduce sulfur to hydrogen sulfide gas.  Sodium thiosulfate is the source of sulfur in the medium, so when hydrogen sulfide gas is produced, it will react with ferrous sulfate, giving the medium a black color or precipitate, indicating that sulfur has been reduce(positive result). My unknown organism however, didn't produce a black precipitate in the medium indicating that it didn't produce the enzyme thiosulfate reductase responsible for reducing sulfur to hydrogen sulfide gas. (Negative result)
The indole is part of the IMViC series of test that test if an organism produces the enzyme thyptophanase, which will break down tryptophan into indole, pyruvate and ammonia by way of deamination. To test if an organism is able to produce the enzyme tryptophanase, the agar must be inoculated with a needle and incubate it for 24-48 hours. After the incubation period, a few drops Kovac's reagent which contains (DMABA) and and hydrochloric acid is added in the medium. Any indole present in the medium will react with one of the ingredients of Kovac's reagent (DMABA) and producing a color red. My organism is indole positive because it was able to produce this result, meaning that it was able to produce the enzyme tryptophanase that hydrolyzes tryptophan to indole and pyruvate. A negative result display no color change in the Reagent, meaning the organism didn't have the capabilities of producing trytophanase to hydrolyze tryptophan.
The Motility part of the test is to distinguish if an organism is motile by having a growth spreading outward from the stab line in the medium, whereas organisms which are not motile wont have a growth spreading out from the initial stab line.
These test are differential because each test is uniquely designed to distinguish which reacts and bring out a specific biochemical reaction. The Indole test is used to differentiate enteric bacterias. The sulfur part of the SIM medium is used to distinguish enterics that can reduce sulfur. But as a whole, the SIM is recommended or primarily used for differentiating  between Salmonella and Shigella.

TSI or Triple Iron SUgar is a differential medium made up of a small amount of glucose,sucrose and lactose peptone, ferrous sulfate and Phenol Red as a pH indicator. It is designed to differentiate bacteria that can ferment these carbohydrates (glucose,lactose,sucrose) and also the ability to reduce sulfur. In able to get the results of fermentation and sulfur reduction, we have to wait up 18-24 hours for the fermentation of the three carbohydrates and 48 hours for the reduction of sulfur. If an organism can ferment any of the three carbohydrates present (glucose and lactose and/or sucrose) in the medium, then the result would be yellow slant/yellow butt. When the medium have Red slant/ yellow butt, interprets that glucose is fermented with acid production. If there is no change in the slant/ butt of the medium, interprets that the organism is growing in a slow phase or not at all. My unknown organism however, had a result of red slant/ red butt indicating that there is fermentation of the carbohydrates. Another results is when the medium has black precipitate in the agar, giving  it the interpretation that sulfur has been reduced. Cracks inside the agar indicates gas production. TSI is solely designed to distinguish enteric bacteria from other gram negative rods such as Alcaligenes or Pseudomanas.
The BGLB , Brilliant Green Lactose Bile broth and Escherichia coli broth coliform contains lactose and 2% of bile salts that helps inhibits bacteria that are noncoliforms but also use to determine the presence of a coliform. The BGLB broth contain a 10mL that has a Durham tubes inside to indicate if the organism produced gas product.My unknown organisms didn't turn turbid nor produce gas production, confirming that it is not a coliform bacteria. this experiment it selective since it contains bile salts and lactose that selects for E.coli

Right after I received my unknown bacteria, I did a simple and negative stain to find out if my organism is gram + or -, and also its morphology. I soon found out that i have Gram - bacillus. As a beginner, i didn't quite know what experiments to do first so i could narrow it down into the group it belongs to in the Bergeys manual. Half-way through the experiments, I slowly started to gain an understanding. After finding out that my bacteria is noncoliform, i knew that my options are not broad.
After all my required experiments are done, I decided to go to my lab manual to check which flowchart my unknown bacteria belongs to. By having a positive sign for Indole and Methyl-Red and a negative sign for both Voges-Proskauer and Citrate test, the list of commonly isolated Enterobacteriaceae table lead me to Figure 7-15, which is accurate of my test results, and that my unknown organism is Shigella flexneri. To make sure it is my unknown organism is Shigella flexneri, i checked the Bergeys manual just to make sure. By doing so, i found out that it mostly match its subspecies Shigella sonnei, but the difference is that S. sonnei is positive Orinthine decarboxylation, which my unknown organism is not and also neither is S.flexneri. I also had to find out another organism that is very similar to my  unknown and the other bacteria that i can compare it with. This leads me Klebsiella pneumonia subsp. rhinoscleromatis, although most of its test results match my unknown organism, i found out that it is a probable coliform because it is a lactose fermenter in MacConkey agar test, indicating a positive result for a probable coliform. After that I conclude that my bacteria is Shigella flexneri.


i dont know if this is legal... but i took a picture of it anyways.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

so true

got this from a blogger named Lily

"People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that's holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then they leave. And thank God for it." - Eat, Pray, Love, p. 149

Friday, August 6, 2010


this is exactly what im talking about...annoying :(

Thursday, August 5, 2010

J.Lo Remixes

i listen to this when im bored.

Monday, August 2, 2010

you know what?

i tried, thats all i will tell you. it just wont sink in...maybe later? who knows? times makes you bolder.. i hope that saying is accurate

what did i tell you?

there was a point in my permed day...that i cried for a week..... i showered..... wet hair. curly hair......then  dried curly was awful.......... waaaaaaaaaackk!


im just eating mangos right now because mama cooked milk fish , which i dont like buts its okay... im fine with my mangos.. with milk...yumm.. sorry i havent been blogging in a long time. I have been chillin' and im loving every second of it.. Im going back to school soon though.. on the 16th. i wish a lot of this world... i just hope that one day i will achieve them........... i just need someone to make me smile through this journey...... is there someone that makes you smile very quickly? just a simple Hi from him makes me smile..thats all i ask, nothing else.